About Us

Aseer Vidyalaya Society

Providing facilities to the mentally challenged children of any caste, creed or religion by helping them. We also have a day-school for the mentally challenged persons below the age of 25 years.

The Aseer Vidyalaya Society was started on 6th of November 1996 in Thettiyode village near Kaliyakkavilai. Aseer Vidyalaya(1991) in Thettiyode and Assisi Vidyalaya (2000) in Chenamcode Village near Pachipparai are functioning under this Aseer Vidyalaya Society. Both these institution are working with the aim of rehabilitating differently- able students. 466 students have received training from these two institution. Among them, some are working in different organizations. 40 students have died, 17 students are married and 32 students are working as Engineer, Teachers, Army, Salesman, Singer and many other sectors. All of them get monthly maintenance grant and assistance from the the government. At present 106 students are undergoing training with these two institutions. Training method such as MDPS (Madras Developmental …

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Our focus area


Group level parents Meeting

In order to continue the training method given to our children at school at home too, in order to lead them on the path of full growth, parents they are summoned three times a year on a class basis. Through that, parents are made aware of the target set for each term by the teachers. By teaching it repeatedly at home, the child can learn and read like a normal child. Thus, children can be brought up with the help of parents. This consultation meeting has been very popular among parents

0 2000 UDID Unique Disability Identity card have been conducted
0 458 mentally challenged persons have been trained
0 400 persons have received maintenance grant from Govt
0 32 students have achieved a good status in the society from different professions
0 17 members from our NGO have been married and are leading a comfortable life

But we’re not done yet. We need you

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Account Number - 526630876
Bank - Indian Bank
Branch - Kaliyakkavilai
IFSC Code - IDIB000K007

All donations are eligible for tax savings under 80G.

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